THiNK Silicon

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THiNK Silicon’s primary objective is to provide VLSI support for clients worldwide. Silicon revolves around a technically proficient team that is able to complete a large number of chip designs within record time.

We specialize in ASIC, SoC design from RTL-to-GDSll, and quality end-to-end software development. Furthermore, we provide low-power, high-speed semiconductor design services including RTL, FPGA & ASIC Design, DFT, Pre-Layout STA, PnR, Circuit Design & Layout, logical IP design, Simulation, and Emulation.

Our team consists of highly qualified VLSI engineers who have successfully delivered multiple ASIC design tape-outs in advanced technology nodes. THiNK Silicon brings in an innovative and agile mindset to build world-class chip designs and also quite smartly handle technological challenges and transform them into a successful enterprise.

Over the last few years, with tremendous success, THiNK Silicon has established a formidable track record in successfully designing and delivering high-quality semiconductor chip designs to our clients.

Most of our clients are engaged as strategic partners for long-term business associations to build a strong Silicon team worldwide.

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